New Refinery & Petrochemical Complex in new al alamein Industrial City
Environmental and Social Baseline Assessment
July 28, 2020 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare an Environmental and Social Baseline Assessment (ESBA) for the new Refinery and Petrochemical Complex Project in New Al Alamein Industrial City in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt.
The planned refining and petrochemical complex will use crude oil from the Western Desert to produce specialty petrochemicals and petroleum products to be utilized in a global value chain, including both domestic and international clients. The Refinery and Petrochemicals Complex will consist of a refinery (crude distillation unit), a steam cracker and a state of the art petrochemicals complex, which could include up to 11 production units. The Complex has a planned production capacity of 1 million tons of petrochemicals products and 850,000 tons of petroleum products annually.
Under this framework, EcoConServ will prepare an ESBA study to investigate and describe the environmental and socioeconomic baseline conditions in the proposed project site area of influence. This Baseline Description will be the basis of the impacts assessment to be developed at a later stage.