ESIA for Abo Qir Metro Project in Alexandria
Funded by the EBRD
November 24, 2020 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Abo Qir Metro Project in Alexandria, Egypt.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French Development Agency (AFD), are considering providing finance to the Government of Egypt to finance the upgrade and electrification of an existing rail line connecting in downtown Alexandria and north-eastern Abou Qir into a high capacity metro system.
The existing Abu Qir line is about 22.1 km long, a double track regional railway connecting very dense areas in the center and the eastern part of the city. It starts from Alexandria central station (Misr station) connecting the central area with Abou Qir and includes 16 stops (both terminals included) including two stations, Sidi Gaber and Victoria, for interconnection with Raml train. The train line runs at grade, with 14 level crossings and 10 pedestrian overpasses in addition to many illegal crossings.
Accordingly, EcoConServ will prepare a Scoping Report, a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), as well as an ESIA Report.