Electricity & Power Generation

ESIA & Environmental Permit for 200MW Solar PV Power Project in Kom Ombo, Egypt. 2020
Clients: AMEA Power, ECO Consult
Fund: IFC
Project Description: EcoConServ and ECO Consult prepared an ESIA Study for Abydos 200 MW Solar Power Plant in Kom Ombo, Aswan Governorate. The study was prepared in full compliance with the Egyptian Environmental Law 4/1994 and IFC Standards. Specifically, EcoConServ undertook targeted Stakeholder Consultations, prepared the Environmental, Health, Safety and Social Regulatory Framework as well as the Environmental & Social Baseline Conditions and provided support in assessing the various impacts associated with the development and the development of mitigation and management plans.
ESIA for 220KV OHTL of 15 km length from Ras Ghareb Substation to BOO 250 MW Wind Farm, Egypt. 2019
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: The EETC was planning to build a new 220KV Overhead Transmission Line (OHTL) of 15 km length from Ras Ghareb 220/22-kV substation 500/220 KV to BOO Wind Farm. The project’s goal was to increase the electricity capacity in the area, using a clean source of energy.
EcoConServ was contracted to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) – Form B for the construction of the OHTL in compliance with the Egyptian environmental law 4/1994 amended by law 9/2009 and its executive regulations to investigate the potential impact and/or risks of the project activities.
Scoped ESIA for Ras Ghareb Substation and Medium Voltage Grid at Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 2019
Clients: Ras Ghareb Wind Energy SAE
Project Description: Both the Substation and the MV Grid form part of RGWE’s 262.5 MW Wind Project in Ras Ghareb, which utilizes the wind’s kinetic power to generate electricity. The energy generated from the proposed project will be sold under a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to the EETC.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an ESIA study complying with EEAA requirements, international standards, and IFC guidelines, as well as an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMoP) detailing mitigation, monitoring, and institutional strengthening and training activities.
ESIA for 500 MW Wind Farm North of Ras Ghareb, Egypt. 2019
Clients: ORASCOM, Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Engie, represented by RCREEE
Project Description: ORASCOM, Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Engie have been allocated a 74 km2 plot for a 500 MW wind farm north of Ras Ghareb City on the coast of the Red Sea.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an ESIA Study for the project in order to secure the environmental permit from EEAA.
Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) for Lekela Wind Farm 250MW in Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 2019
Clients: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE)
Fund: IFC, EBRD and OPIC
Project Description: EcoConServ prepared a CESMP including administrative and legal framework, environmental and social baseline conditions, key environmental and social impacts and risks, stakeholder engagement plan and grievance mechanism (GRM), roles and responsibilities, monitoring and audit plan, as well as capacity building program and assessment criteria for subcontractors. In addition, EcoConServ prepared a Water and Wastewater Management Plan, a Labor and Accommodation Management Plan, and a Workers’ Grievance Mechanism Framework.
ESIA for Hamrawein Coal Power Plant & Associated Coal Terminal Facility (Jetty), Egypt. 2019
Clients: Shanghai Electric Group CO. Ltd, Dongfang Electric Corporation Ltd.
Project Description: The Hamrawein Power Plant will be designed as a 6*1100 MW (gross) pulverized coal fired plant, which is comprised of three power trains. Each train will comprise two generating units. Coal will be delivered through the Red Sea by shipping and unloading to a jetty and conveyed to the plant via a covered belt conveyor crossing over the main road. The resulting ash will be stored in an ash yard. NOx emission control will be accomplished by using low NOx burners with Over-Firing-Air (OFA) system plus Ammonia Base Selective Catalytic Reactor (SCR). Particulate emission control will be accomplished by using Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP).
SO2 emission control will be accomplished by using Limestone-Gypsum Flue Gas Desulphurization System (FGD).Power will be generated at the manufacturer’s standard voltage, stepped up through the main generator step-up transformers to the new 500kV Gas Insulated Switchyard and delivered to the unified grid by outgoing transmission lines.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of the coal power plant and the jetty to ensure their compliance with the Egyptian legislative requirements. Moreover, EcoConServ prepared a marine survey, hydrodynamic modeling, as well as traffic, air, and noise models and consultations.
Analysis of Environmental and Social Risks for a Wind Farm Project, Egypt. 2018
Client: Italgen S.p.A.
Project Description: Italgen Misr for Energy SAE intends to establish a 320 MW Wind Farm (GZWF) in Gabal El Zeit in South Hurghada. The project constitutes an integral component of the National Energy Strategy with the targeted renewable share in the energy mix of 20% by 2022. EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a performance document to help ensure the project’s compliance with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, as well as with local and national legislation. As such, EcoConServ provided Italgen with a thorough analysis of the environmental and social risks involved during the construction and operational phases. EcoConServ delivered an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), and Environmental and Social Management Action Plan (ESAP), as well as a Social Corporate Responsibility Plan (CSR).
ESIA for Italgen’s 320 MW Substation and Overhead Transmission Lines, Egypt. 2018
Client: Italgen Misr for Energy SAE
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for a substation and its interconnection with a wind farm and overhead transmission lines. The study aimed to assess the impacts and potential risks associated with the implementation of the project. Moreover, an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) was prepared, to recommend measures to maximize positive impacts and mitigate adverse impacts.
Community Investment Plan for Beni Suef Power Plant, Egypt. 2018
Client: ERM GmbH
Project Description: The Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) has applied for Project Finance from a consortium of international financial institutions (collectively the ‘Lenders’) for power plants in Egypt. The Lenders are committed to ensure the subjects of their loans comply with specific health, social, safety and environmental standards during the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of any project, such as the Beni Suef Power Plant. The Beni Suef Power Plant is a combined-cycle natural gas power plant. ERM who supports the implementation of these E&S standards at Beni Suef Power Plant in order to ensure compliance with IFC Performance Standards has contracted EcoConServ to perform a Community Investment Plan. Specifically, EcoConServ conducted a number of focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and site visits to collect the necessary data, to subsequently develop the preliminary report.
Scoped EIA for 50MW PV Solar Plant in Belayim, Abu Rudeis, Egypt. 2018
Client: ENI New Energy Egypt SAE
Project Description: Eni intends to build a 50 MW PV Power Plant in a 80ha area that lies within the Belayi Oil Field concession, with the purpose to provide renewable energy to the Belayim Oil Field operations. The proposed site has been selected about 20km south of the city of Abu Rudeis, and 1.5km for the Feiran Tank Farm, where an overhead transmission line corridor is available for connection to the National Grid.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for this project. The aim of the study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the 50MW PV Power Plant, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental performance.
ESIA for 320 MW Substation and Overhead Transmission Lines in Ras Ghareb, Egypt. 2018
Client: Italgen Misr for Energy SAE
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study to assess the impacts and potential risks associated with the implementation of a substation and its interconnection with the wind farm and overhead transmission lines, as well as to recommend measures to maximize the positive impacts and mitigate the adverse impacts. Moreover an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was prepared.
ESIA and RAP studies for 220 KV double circuit overhead transmission line of length 15 km from Ras Gharib substation (500/220 KV) to 250-MW BOO Wind Power Plant, Egypt. 2018
Client: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), funded by the World Bank
Project Description: The project involves the construction of a 220 kV double circuit overhead transmission line of length 15 Km from Ras Gharib Substation (500/220 kV) to a 250 MW Boo wind power plant. EcoConServ was contracted to provide an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as well as an Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) for the planned construction project.
Review and Development of HSE Documents, Egypt. 2018
Client: TBEA Xinjiang Sunoasis Co., Ltd.
Project Description: TBEA is the EPC contractor for Acciona, a sponsor for three solar plots in Benban solar park. TBEA contracted EcoConServ to review and develop the following documents: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, EHS Training Plan, Subcontractor E&S Management Plan, and a Community Health & Safety and Labor Influx.
Environmental, Social, and Governance Due Diligence for Project Eagle Smart Meters, Czech Republic & Egypt. 2018
Client: The Abraaj Group
Project Description: Project Eagle plans to invest in El Sewedy Smart Meters, the leading African smart meter manufacturer to the electricity, power, and water utility sectors as well as Smart Meters from Czech Republic.EcoConServ was contracted to conduct and Environmental, Social, and Governance Due Diligence for the investment project with the objective to identify the key risks associated with the project, provide recommendations to address these risks (corrective action plan), and identify opportunities for value creation.
ESMS for 50 MW PV Power Plants in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Egyptian Company or Solar Energy Development (ECSED), Edison / EDF
Project Description: The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MoERE), the Egyptian Energy Regulatory Authority (EgyptERA), the New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA), and the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) have initiated a feed-in tariff program to support 4.3GW of wind and solar power generation projects. As part of this scheme, 41 plots of land have been allocated in Benban Solar Park in Aswan Governorate. The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.EcoConServ was contracted to perform Environmental and Social Management Services (ESMS) for ECSED’s 50 MW Power Plant. Specifically, EcoConServ developed a Water Management Plant (WMP) and a Grievance Mechanism.
ESIA for 50 MW PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Al Diwan for Energy Production
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW. EcoConServ was contracted by Al Diwan (formerly Engie) to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for its 50MV PV Power Plant, aiming to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the plant, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
Critical Habitat Assessment for 262.5 MW Wind Farms in Ras Ghareb, Egypt. 2017
Client: Ras Ghareb Wind Energy SAE (Toyota Energy)
Project Description: The Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA) explains the approach taken to identify natural and critical habitat affected by the 262.5 MW Wind Power Project at Gulf of Suez, by reference to the requirements and criteria set out in the IFC Performance Standard 6 (PS 6), which focuses on the protection and conservation of biodiversity. In most cases, the required conservation outcome under PS6 is no-net-loss of biodiversity value achieved using the “like-for-like” or better principle of biodiversity offsets. However, when a project occurs in critical habitat (CH) supporting exceptional biodiversity value, a net gain in biodiversity value is required.
Accordingly, EcoConServ was contracted to perform a Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA) focusing on bird, especially focusing on the ones listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species using the IFC PS6 Criteria.
ESIA for a 3MV PV Project in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Infinity 3 for Renewable Energy
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, Scope B) study, to assure the project’s compliance with applicable national environmental and social requirements, as well as an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), including a mitigation plan, monitoring plan, institutional strengthening, a schedule for mitigation activities, monitoring activities, and training activities.
Environmental and Social Management System and Associated Plans for 50 MW PV Power Plant in Benban, Egypt. 2017
Client: Shaprooji Pallorji, SPV Name: SP Energy Egypt
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study, including an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), addressing the project-specific risks and impacts related to construction and operation. Particularly concerning items that may be small on the project level, but large cumulatively (construction phase worker influx, traffic, water user, dust and noise, etc.). EcoConServ was further appointed as an Independent Environmental and Social Consultant (IESC) to support the project in meeting the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) deliverables to assure the project’s compliance with the EBRD performance standards. As such, EcoConServ delivered an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), a HR Policy, as well as a Waste Management and Disposal Framework.
Environmental and Social Management System and Associated Plans for 3x 50 MW PV Power Plant Projects in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Acciona Energy
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study, addressing the project-specific risks and impacts related to construction and operation. Particularly concerning items that may be small on the project level, but large cumulatively (construction phase worker influx, traffic, water user, dust and noise, etc.). Additionally an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), including an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), a Site EHS Manual, as well as a Community H&S Plan were prepared. EcoConServ further reviewed a number of E&S documents, namely EHS Policy, the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), the Water Management Plan (WMP), the Waste Management Plant, the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), as well as the Grievance Mechanism.
Environmental and Social Management System and Associated Plans for 50 MW Solar PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Alfanar Energy
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted as an Independent Environmental and Social Consultant (IESC) to support the project in meeting the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) deliverables to assure the project’s compliance with the EBRD performance standards.Specifically, EcoConServ developed a full Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) including a chance find procedure and a grievance mechanism, a Water Management Plant, a Workforce Accommodation Plan, and a HR Policy.
ESIA for 3x 50 MW PV Power Plants in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Nile EDF – Al Cazar
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.EcoConServ was contracted by one of these private investors, Al Cazar, to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its three 50 MW solar PV plant. The aim of ESIA study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the three 50 MW PV Power Plant Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
Environmental, Social and Health & Safety (E&S) Training for EEHC Staff, Egypt. 2017
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), El Amar Group
Project Description: The EEHC was implementing 3 mega power plants in Burullus, Beni Suef, and the New Capital and had contracted Al Amar to train EEHC staff. EcoConServ was subcontracted to provide a social team to help achieve the assignment’s objectives. Specifically, EcoConServ provided Environmental, Social, and Health & Safety (E&S) Training for EEHC staff at the three new plants.
Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for 2 Substations And OHTL Supplementary Activities, Egypt. 2017
Client: Siemens Technologies S.A.E.
Project Description: EETC was expanding 4 of the existing substations (in Banha, Itay El Baroud, Kafr El Zyat and Maghagha) and planned to additionally construct two new substations in East Assiut and Wadi El Natrun. The projects were funded by BNP Paribas and Société Générale Corporate Investment Banking with a loan guaranteed by the German export credit insurance agency “Euler Hermes”. Furthermore, 500 kV Overhead Transmission Lines (OHTLs) needed to be constructed to connect the 6 substations.
EcoConServ was contracted to develop and implement a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) following the IFC standards and according to the lenders’ requirements as part of the project’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). Moreover, a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was conducted for the construction of the OHTL specifically, to conserve and improve biodiversity in the area and to ensure that international environmental requirements were met, including IFC standards and Equator Principles.
ESIA for 25 MW PV Solar Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: RA Solar
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW. EcoConServ was contracted by one of these private investors, RA Solar, to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its 25 MW solar PV plant. The aim of ESIA study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the 25MW PV Power Plant Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
Hydrological Report for 25MW PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Voltalia
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW. EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an integrated Hydrological Report for a 25 MW Power Plant, aiming at identifying, describing, and analyzing the geology, site catchment, topography and hydrogeology of the area. EcoConServ further determined opportunities of risks associated with the site due to the topographical setting, floods and surface runoff or any additional precautionary measures (if needed).
ESIA & RAP for Gamasa and 10th of Ramadan Transformer Stations, Egypt. 2017
Client: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Project Description: In order to meet the steady increase in energy demand, the Egyptian Expansion plan targeted to reinforce the national electricity network by adding more substation capacities and overhead transmission lines and underground cables by the year 2018, an expansion necessary for the evacuation of power generated from new power plants to the load centers.
As part of the Expansion Plan, this project involved the construction of the new substations Gamasa and 10th of Ramadan as well as their associated transmission lines.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct the necessary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) studies and to develop the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
ESIA for 50MW PV Power Plants in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Acciona Energy, Aswan Solar 21 SAE
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW. EcoConServ was contracted by these private investors to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its 50 MW solar PV plant. The aim of the ESIA study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the 50 MW PV Power Plant Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
Samanoud and Abo El Matamier Substations, Egypt. 2017
Client: Siemens Technology SAE
Project Description: SIEMENS is going to construct Samanoud SS in order to align with EETC’s plan to meet the growing demand for electricity funded by BNP Paribas.
EcoConServ was contracted to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in line with IFC environmental and social standards for Samanoud and extension of Abo El Matamier GIS SS and its interconnecting overhead transmission lines (OHTLs) to different existing substations. The ESIA aims to investigate the potential impacts and assess the environmental and social conditions in the project’s area. In addition, the management and monitoring plan, including the mitigation measures during construction, operation and maintenance phases are described within the ESIA report. Further, air and noise measurements were conducted at the substation sites and social engagement activities were carried out at the local governmental unit.
Site Visit to Aswan, Egypt. 2017
Client: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Project Description: Given the wide experience of EcoConServ in Benban Solar Parks. IFC nominated EcoConServ Social Consultant to escort AIIB consultant in the site for one day. The site visit covered the main stakeholders and community leaders in the site of Benban Solar Park.
Environmental and Social Action Plan and Monitoring of 4 Substations, Egypt. 2017
Client: GE Grid Solutions SAS
Project Description: Deutsche Bank AG, Paris Branch acting as Structuring Bank, Deutsche Bank and HSBC France (the “Lenders”) and the French Export Credit Agency referred as Bpifrance Assurance Export (the “French ECA”) have financed four electrical substations to be installed in Egypt by a consortium led by Grid Solutions SAS.EcoConServ was contracted to act as Environmental and Social Consultant to ensure the project’s compliance with the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles, as such, EcoConServ performed an Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) and additional services for the supply of four turnkey new GIS high voltage electrical substations, encompassing the associated overhead transmission lines identified as associated facilities. Specifically, EcoConServ delivered a Project Screening Report for the OHTL component, a Land Acquisition and Compensation Framework (LACF) for the OHTL component, Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) as well as an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) for the Substations and OHTL, and performed EHS Audits for the 4 Substations and the OHTLs, as well as LACF Audit to confirm the LACF Implementation.
Monitoring of 2 Substations and associated Overhead Transmission Lines, Egypt. 2017
Client: Siemens Technologies S.A.E., Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: In accordance to lender’s requirements on loan documentation, EETC has developed an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) to manage and control the environmental and social risks associated with Wadi Natrun substation, where the ESMS described a set of plans, manuals, measure and KPIs monitoring requirement to be undertaken by the project proponent and EPC Contractor.
EETC has appointed EcoConServ as an independent consultant to carry out the second semi-annual monitoring report over Wadi El Natrun substation against national standards and IFC Performance Standards.
MMID 30 MW PV Solar Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2017
Client: Infinity Solar SAS
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5 km2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
EcoConServ was contracted by one of these private investors, Infinity Solar, to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for its 30 MW solar PV plant. The aim of the ESIA study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the 30MW PV Power Plant Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESIA and Bird Monitoring for Gabal El Zeit Wind Farm Phase III, Egypt. 2017
Client: Italgen SpA
Project Description: Egypt seeks to increase the contribution of renewable energy to the energy mix to 20% by the year of 2022, with 12% stemming from wind power plants to be installed mainly in the Suez Gulf area. The shore of the Gulf of Suez along the Red Sea holds some of the world’s best wind regimes. Due to its favorable geographical location and access to state-of-the-art technology, Egypt has the chance to be a global leader in the wind-energy generation.
As such, the Government of Egypt has been encouraging investments in renewable energy projects throughout the country for which the participation of foreign private sector companies is necessary.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for a project area of 700km² designated for the development of wind power, as well as to conduct Public Consultations and Bird Migration Monitoring.
EPRP, EHS Plan, & HR Policy for State Grid Chinese Corporation (SGCC), Egypt. 2016
Client: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: Egypt is witnessing a rapid growth in urbanization and population, paralleled with a surge in demand for electricity. It was estimated that the demand for energy has risen by 30% from 2007/2008 to 2011/2012; from 19,738 MW to 25,705 MW. In addition, the number of customers has increased from 23.8 million to 28.1 million. This increased demand for electricity has led to repeated power shortages during peak demand times. In order to meet the increasing forecasted demand and secure the electricity stability, the Egyptian Electricity Production Company, under the supervision of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), agreed with a consortium led by the German company Siemens to construct three new power plants in Beni Suef, Burullus and the New Capital. The three new power plants will produce 14.4 GW of electricity to boost Egypt’s electricity production by 50%.
In this context, the EETC together with the distribution companies aimed to construct additional substations, expand existing substations to transmit electricity produced by the new power plants, and to enhance power transmission interconnections to the national grid through the construction of new overhead transmission lines.
EETC commissioned EcoConServ to prepare an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP), an Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Plan, as well as a HR Policy for the State Grid Chinese Cooperation (SGCC).
ESIA for various 20MW PV Solar Plants in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Alia Group, Jordanian Egyptian Solar Energy Company, Egy Energy PV, Taqatuna for Solar Energy Generation JSC
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for their 20MV PV Power Plants, aiming to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the plant, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESIA for 4 Substations, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted by EETC to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for four substations, to assess the impacts and potential risks associated with the implementation of the project and to recommend measures to maximize the positive impacts and mitigate the adverse impacts.
ESIA & RAP for 4 Substations and Interconnection Overhead Transmission Lines, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Project Description: In response to the growing demand for electricity and in support for EEHC’s plan to expand the existing electricity infrastructure of power stations, substations and interconnecting lines/cables, the European Investment Bank (EIB) was funding the construction of several substations and interconnecting lines in cooperation with the EETC.
In line with EIB environmental and social standards, EETC committed to carrying out an ESIA for the 6th of October and Zahraa Madinat Nasr (ZMN) substations, as well as its interconnection work: and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project activities.
EcoConServ was contracted to carry out the ESIA studies and RAP in accordance with national legislations as well as EIB standards.
ESMS, ESAP, & OHS Manual for 50 MW PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: FAS Energy
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
International Financial Institutions require developers to ensure the integration of environmental factors and values into project decision-making.
As such, EcoConServ was contracted to develop an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), and an Occupational Health and Safety Manual (OHS) in compliance with international institute requirements, in order to ensure the project’s effective system to safeguard the ESIA recommendations, fulfill the lenders requirements and reach financial closure.
ESIA for 6 Substations and Interconnection Lines, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: EcoConServ was contacted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study for six substations and their interconnection lines, to assess the impacts and potential risks associated with the implementation of the project and to recommend measures to maximize positive impacts and mitigate the adverse impacts.
Social, Environmental and Economic Context & Stakeholder Analysis (SEECA), Saudi Arabia. 2016
Clients: Enel Green Power SpA
Project Description: The Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) invited Enel Green Power SpA as one of pre-qualified developers and consortia, who are recipients of a Request for Proposal to submit their Proposals for the solar PV independent power plants (IPP) at Al-Jouf and Rafha Plants. The Project represented an important development in the SEC IPP program, being the first renewable energy IPP projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Project was planned to be located on two sites at Al-Jouf and Rafha, in the northern region of Saudi Arabia, on land sub-leased to the Project Company by SEC, under the terms of the Sub-Lease Agreement.
EcoConServ was contracted to, amongst others, perform an Impact Risk Assessment, to assemble social, institutional, and environmental baseline information, to assess the impact of the future operations, to outline the socio-economic, environmental, and cultural aspects and realities that needed to be considered in the preparation of a Shared Value Plan to achieve project sustainability, to deliver a complete stakeholder analysis and a stakeholder map, and more.
ESIA for Abu Qir Combined Cycle Power Plant, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Global Energy
Project Description: EcoConServ has been contracted by Global Energy to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Abu Qir CCGT, a steam thermal power plant. The ESIA study was carried out to obtain the Environmental Permit for the proposed facility from EEAA.
It aimed to ensure the project’s compliance with applicable environmental laws and legislations, to identify the impacts on the physical and social environment, and to contribute to the development of the project’s environmental performance through guiding it in utilizing the technical and financial support mechanisms which address waste management and treatment, applying self- monitoring systems and application of pollution abatement programs at source.
Monitoring of Bird and Bat Collision Rate with Wind Turbines in Gabal el Zeit, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)
Project Description: One of the main impacts of wind farms on the environment is the potential bird mortality through collision. Normally, most birds can take needed actions to avoid wind turbines, as they alter or even change their flight path or directions to avoid the whole wind farm, line of turbines, or even the turbine structures (towers and blades) which could be visible for birds from longer or even closer distances. The avoidance rate of birds varies widely between species and is also dependent on topography and climate. It is also recommended to consider bats’ mortality monitoring as bats are also likely to collide with wind farms.
In spring 2016, unique intervention to prevent bird mortality was initiated in the KFW wind farm site using shutdown in demand by radar. For fall however, it was not implemented, as previous studies considered it an unnecessary measure considering the migration routes.
EcoConServ was contracted to monitor bird and bat mortality caused by collision with wind turbines in fall, to investigate the need for extending the same intervention approach used in spring. The KFW find farm is consists of 100 wind turbines.
ESIA for 50 MW PV Plant in Zafarana Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Canarde Group Consortium, Canadian Solar
Project Description: In the late 1990s, the Zafarana Site, a 140 km² plot of land in the Suez Governorate was allocated for the production of renewable energy. While 120km² are covered by a wind farm with a capacity of 550MW, roughly 9.5km² have been allocated for the proposed Zafarana PV Park with a planned capacity of 305MW. The site has been divided in 7 plots available to Project Companies to implement individual projects. The 7 projects on the Zafarana Site will be connected to the Egyptian high voltage network through a new substation, which will be constructed on the site by EETC. EcoConServ was contracted to conduct and Environmental and Strategic Impacts Assessment (ESIA) for the 50MW PV Power Plant Project, aiming to assess the impact of its different proposed design elements and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESIA for the Alfa Wind Project, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Alfanar Energy
Project Description: Alfanar wishes to supply electricity gained from renewable sources to its customers and its own projects in Egypt. The reason for choosing the specific area for a wind farm in Egypt is that the area holds some of the best wind regimes known in the world. The 50MW Alfa Wind project would supply environmentally friendly wind energy.
EcoConServ was contract to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) to identify potential environmental impacts as well as to develop adequate mitigation actions and monitoring activities.
ESMS, ESAP, & OHS Manual for 50 MW PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Infinity 50 for Renewable Energy
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
International Financial Institutions require developers to ensure the integration of environmental factors and values into project decision-making.
EcoConServ was contracted to develop an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), and an Occupational Health and Safety Manual (OHS) in compliance with international institutional requirements to ensure the project’s effective system to safeguard the ESIA recommendations, to fulfill the lenders requirements and to reach financial closure.
Updating the ESIA of 250MW Wind Farm Project in Ras Ghareb, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Ras Ghareb Wind Energy (RGWE)
Project Description: The project area is located on the western bank of the Gulf of Suez, 120 km North of Hurghada city and 10 to 15 km to the West Hurghada-Suez Road. The project is one of the plots within a 1,000 MW planned project with a total area of 200km² in Ras Ghareb, which in turn, is part of total area of 1229 km² allocated by the Egyptian government through a presidential decree of May 13th, 2009 to wind power utilization. The area was proposed by the National Centre for Land-use Planning and was approved by the Council of Ministers. The wind power development is coordinated by the National Renewable Energy Authority (NREA).
In light of those developments, RGWE proposes a project that represents an integral component of the National Energy Strategy which targets reaching 20% renewables in the Egyptian power mix by 2020. RGWE plans to build, own and operate (BOO) a wind farm in one of the allocated Gulf of Suez plots. As such, RGWE has appointed EcoConServ as independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners (EAP) to conduct the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed project.
The aim of study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the RGWE wind farm Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
Preliminary ESIA for BOO 200MW PV Power Plant at West Nile in Minya, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Alfanar Energy
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to perform a preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) the scope of which is to identify the key environmental constraints and opportunities of the ALFANAR 200MW PV Plant in Minya.
Development & Monitoring of the Implementation of an ESMS for 6 Substations and Overhead Transmission Lines, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: Egypt is witnessing a rapid expansion in urbanization and population, paralleled with a surge in demand for electricity. It is estimated that the demand for energy has risen by 30% from 2007/2008 to 2011/2012; from 19,738 MW to 25,705 MW. In addition, the number of customers has increased from 23.8 million to 28.1 million (during the fiscal year 2007/2008 to 2011/2012). In order to meet the forecasted demand and secure the electricity stability, the EETC together with the distribution companies aim to construct additional substations, expand existing substations, and enhance power transmission interconnections to the national grid throughout Egypt through the construction of new overhead transmission lines.
EETC commissioned EcoConServ to develop and monitor the implementation of Environmental and Social Management Systems for the substations and associated overhead transmission lines. The assignment also includes the preparation of a Land Acquisition Compensation Framework and a Biodiversity Action Plan for the overhead transmission lines as well as auditing the environmental and social performance of the substations and overhead transmission lines projects.
ESIA for 50 MW PV Plants in Zafarana Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: ELF Energy Egypt Solar Farm, Taqa Solar Reserve
Project Description: In the late 1990s, the Zafarana Site, a 140 km² plot of land in the Suez Governorate was allocated for the production of renewable energy. While 120km² are covered by a wind farm with a capacity of 550MW, roughly 9.5km² have been allocated for the proposed Zafarana PV Park with a planned capacity of 305MW.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for their 50MW solar PV plant. The study aimed at assessing the impacts of the project’s different proposed design elements and at proposing measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESIA for 4 Substations and Interconnection OHTL in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
In order to meet the forecasted demand and to secure the electricity stability generated in Benban, the EETC and the Distribution Companies needed to provide 4 additional Substations and their interconnections to deliver the produced electricity to the final customer.
EcoConServ was contracted to develop an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the substations and their associated transmission lines in accordance with bankable international standards (IFC/EBRD) and national regulations. The ESIA aimed to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements and to propose measures to enhance their environmental and social performance.
ESIA for 25MW PV Power Plant in Zafarana Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Dhamma Energy
Project Description: In the late 1990s, the Zafarana Site, a 140 km² plot of land in the Suez Governorate was allocated for the production of renewable energy. While 120km² are covered by a wind farm with a capacity of 550MW, roughly 9.5km² have been allocated for the proposed Zafarana PV Park with a planned capacity of 305MW.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for their 25MW solar PV plant, aiming at assessing the impacts of the different proposed design elements and proposing measures to enhance the plant’s environmental and social performance.
ESIA studies for 50MW PV Solar Plants in Minya, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Gulf New, Adenium Energy Capital, Tbea Enara Solar Energy, Gulf New, Bareeq Capital, Enara Sundedison Solar SAE
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to conduct the environmental and social impact assessment for the 50 MW solar PV plants.
The aim of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the 50MW PV Power Plant Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESIA for a 50MV PV Projects in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: ENEL Green Power RA SAE, Nile Capital, Delta for Renewable Energy
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity of 1.65 GW.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study, to assess the impacts of different proposed design elements of the 50MW Power Plant, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance.
ESMS for 50MW PV Solar Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Project Description: To comply with IFC requirements, Alcazar contracted EcoConServ to develop an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for its 50 MW OV Solar Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, aiming at considering the environmental and social factors for different proposed design elements. Specifically, EcoConServ prepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and a Health and Safety Manual.
Review of ESMS, ESAP, & OHS Manual for 50 MW PV Power Plant in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Nile Capital, Delta for Renewable Energy
Project Description: The Benban Solar Park is being constructed in the Aswan Governorate on an area of roughly 37.5mk2 where private investors construct, operate and own solar power plants generating between 20MW and 50MW each, summing up to a collective capacity 1.65 GW.
International Financial Institutions require developers to ensure the integration of environmental factors and values into project decision-making.
EcoConServ was contracted to review the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMS), the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), and the Occupational Health and Safety Manual (OHS) in compliance with international institutional requirements to ensure the project’s effective system to safeguard the ESIA recommendations, to fulfill the lenders requirements and to reach financial closure.
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment for PV Park in Zafarana, Egypt. 2016
Clients: New & Renewable Energy Authority, NREA
Project Description: In the late 1990s, the Zafarana Site, a 140 km² plot of land in the Suez Governorate was allocated for the production of renewable energy. While 120km² are covered by a wind farm with a capacity of 550MW, roughly 9.5km² have been allocated for the proposed Zafarana PV Park with a planned capacity of 305MW.
EcoConServ has been contracted to prepare a Strategic Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (SESA) for the entire Zafarana Solar Park, which aims to provide a high-level assessment covering all key environmental and social issues relating to the site.
SEECA for 50MV PV Project in Benban Solar Park, Egypt. 2016
Clients: Enel Green Power RA SAE
Project Description: Under the newly established Feed in Tariff Program, Enel Green Power has been elected to construct a 50MW PV project in Benban Solar Park.
EcoConServ has been contracted to perform a Social, Environmental and Economic Context Analysis (SEECA), as well as Stakeholder Analysis and Shared Value Actions, together with RECREE as associated consultant.
The purpose of the study was to provide a clear profile of the communities and stakeholders directly and indirectly interested in the project, as well as of all the local entities – institutional, economic, cultural, social, and environmental) that, according to a Created Shared Value need to be taken into account in order to identify solutions that create value for them as well as for the company. As such, EcoConServ undertook a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and developed a complete stakeholder map.
Further projects include:
- Continuous Monitoring of ambient air at West Asyout Power Plant, Orascom Construction, Egypt, 2016
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Infinity’s 30 MW PV Solar Plant in Zafarana, MMID 30 for Renewable Energy, Egypt, 2016
- ESIA for Benchmark Power International 250 MW PV Solar Plant in Kom-Ombo, Egypt, 2016
- ESIA for 50 MW PV Plants in Benban Solar Park for Cairo Solar Farm, ALCAZAR ENERGY EGYPT SOLAR 1, Shapoorji Pallonji (SP) Infrastructure Capital Company Pvt. Ltd, FAS Construction (FAS Energy), Alfa Energy, Phoenix Power, Orascom Construction, ENGIE, International Power, S.A., First Solar, Solaire Direct, Aswan Solar 21, Neoen Renewing Energy, Infinity 50 for Renewable Energy, Infinity 1 for Renewable Energy, CTIP PV Egypt, FRV – Abdul Latif Jameel (Shams One), & ElSewedy Electric 2015
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Egyptian EETC 500kV Transmission Lines Project, China Electric Power Equipment and Technology Ltd (CET), 2015
- Strategic Environmental & Social Assessment and Master Disclosure & Engagement Plan for Benban Solar Park, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Egypt, 2015
- Environmental and Social Lenders’ Due Diligence of the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company’s (EEHC) the Beni Suef, Burullus, and New Cairo 4.8 GW Power Plants, Ramboll Environ Germany GmbH, Egypt, 2015
- Consultancy Services for an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) of the Rehabilitation/Reinforcement of Awka (Anambra), Yandev (Benue), Sagamu (Ogun) and Gusau (Zamfara) 132/33kV Transmission Sub-stations, Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), funded by the International Development Association (IDA), Nigeria. 2015
- ESIA for Ataqa Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant with the Capacity of 2100 MW, Sino Hydro Corporation & Hydro Power Project Execution Authority (HPPEA), Egypt, 2015
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for West Assiut 1500 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant, Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company, Egypt, 2015
- Environmental and Social Compliance Due Diligence, Gap Analysis, and Disclosure Pack for the construction of a 1.8 GW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant in Damanhour, Egypt, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), 2015
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Imbaba Substation, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), 2015
- Environmental Impact Assessment for the Expansion of the Existing Assyout – El-Waledia Thermal Power Plant, Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company, Egypt, 2015
- Post-Construction Ornithological Monitoring and Risk Evaluation during Autumn 2014 at KFW’s 200 MW Windfarm in Gabal El Zeit, Gulf of Suez, New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) Egypt, 2014
- Environmental Audit for the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Successor Companies (24 Locations), Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Nigeria, 2014
- Supplementary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the 2,250 MV Combined Cycle Power Plant at Dairut, El Beheira Governorate, K&M Engineering & Consulting LLC, Egypt, 2014
- Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for the 500 kV HVDC Over-Head Transmission Line between Egypt and the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), 2014
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment & Resettlement Action Plan for the Egypt- Saudi Arabia 500 kV HVDC Overhead Transmission Line, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), 2014
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Interconnection lines of Suez 500 KV Thermal Station, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), Egypt, 2013
- Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment, & Resettlement Action Plan for Mansheyet Nasser 220 KV Transformer Station and its Interconnection Underground Cables, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), European Investment Bank (EIB), Egypt, 2013
- ESIA for the 100MW Concentrated Solar Power Station in Kom Ombo, New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), African Development Bank (AfDB), Egypt, 2013
- Resettlement Action Plan for the Samallout/Gulf of Suez/Jabal El-Zayt 500 kV Electrical Interconnection Project, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), 2013
- Environment and Social Impact Assessment, Ornithological Monitoring & Risk Assessment for Gabal El-Zeit Wind Farm, Phase II, Italgen Misr, 2012
- ESIA for Giza North Interconnections – Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), 2011
- Strategic Planning for Reconciling Windfarms and Bird Migration at the Gulf of Suez Area, KfW, New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egypt, 2011
- Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) for 3 X 650 MW Thermal Power Plant in South of Helwan, Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company, 2011
- Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)for the 4x150MW Gas-Fueled Power Station in the 6th of October City, Egypt, Cairo Electricity Production Company, 2011
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for 3 Electricity Stations (Ashmoun, Badr and Abu Ghaleb) and Interconnection Lines – Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), European Investment Bank (EIB), Egypt, 2011
- CDM Registration for Italgen – Italcementi Group’s Gebel El-Zayt 120 MW Wind Farm, Egypt, 2011
- Quantitative Risk Assessment for the extension of North Giza Power Station, Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Egyptian Electricity Holding Co. (EEHC), Egypt, 2010
- Quantitative Risk Assessment for the 500 MW Combined Cycle Power Stations in Damietta and Helwan, Egyptian Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Egypt, 2010
- Quantitative Risk Assessment for 4 * 150 MW Simple Power Cycle Station in Ismailia (El Shabab Station), Ministry of Electricity & Energy, Egyptian Electricity Holding Co. (EEHC), Planning, Research, and Electric Service Companies Affairs, Egypt, 2010
- Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Audit for the Transmission and Distribution Assets of Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC), Pakistan, 2010