Wastewater Treatment Facility in Jericho Agro Industrial Park – Palestine
Baseline Survey, Conceptual Design and EIA – UNOPS
February 9, 2020 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare a Baseline Survey, Conceptual Design, and an Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA) for the Construction of a Wastewater Treatment Facility in Jericho Agro Industrial Park (JAIP), an undertaking financed by the Government of Japan (GoJ), through United Nations Office Projects Services (UNOPS).
The goal of the assignment is to study and evaluate alternative options for treatment of industrial wastewater in JAIP and to develop preliminary design concepts and cost estimates for the studied options, taking into consideration national and international standards and best practices.
JAIP was established to be a first class industrial park with high-level technology for environmental protection. The park stretches over an area of 615,000 m2 and 140,000 m2 is acquired by JAIP phase (I). Industries present and planned in JAIP are agro and non-agro industries such as: pharmaceuticals, paper industry, glass production, aluminum sheet panels, solar panels as well as chemicals manufacturing.
The selected wastewater treatment system shall serve the industries already present in JAIP with the possibility to expand it to cover additional industries that are planned to be established within the second phase of JAIP. The EIA study is prepared for the selected treatment system to acquire the approval of EQA on the construction of JAIP wastewater treatment facility.