ESIA for Red Sea New Hydrocracking & Naphtha Complex
Engineering for Petroleum and Process Industries (ENPPI)
July 17, 2019 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare an Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study for the Red Sea New Hydrocracking and Naphtha Complex Project by Engineering for Petroleum and Process Industries (ENPPI).
In alignment with the Egyptian vision for developing the oil & gas sector by increasing the number of refineries in Egypt, it is planned to establish a new hydrocracking and naphtha complex operated by Red Sea National Refinery and Petrochemicals Company in Suez, Egypt. The company intends to import crude oil, process it in Nasr Petroleum Company (NPC) where it will be distilled to produce straight run Naphtha, straight run Kerosene, straight run gas oil, atmospheric residue, off-gases as well as Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG).
Having already completed the Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (PESIA) for the proposed project, EcoConServ will now continue to conduct the full Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study and obtain the environmental permit and approval for the new Red Sea hydrocracking and naphtha complex in Suez Governorate from EEAA.