Naghlu Hydropower Rehabilitation Project in Afghanistan
ESIA funded by the World Bank
July 26, 2020 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Naghlu Hydropower Rehabilitation Project (NHRP) in Afghanistan, an undertaking financed by the World Bank. The Naghlu Dam is a gravity dam constructed on the Kabul River in Surobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan. It is located 40 km east of the Afghan capital Kabul. The primary purpose of the dam is hydroelectric power generation with installed capacity of 100 MW. It is the largest power plant in Afghanistan and generates most of Kabul’s electricity. It is currently being rehabilitated and only three of the four generators are operational. The dam is 110 m tall, 280 m long and its reservoir has a storage capacity of 550,000,000 m3.
Under this framework, EcoConServ will prepare an ESIA report in compliance with national laws and regulations as well as World Bank Policies and other international standards.