Environmental and Social Due Diligence of a chemicals manufacturer in Egypt
ESDD funded by the FMO
December 22, 2020 | EcoConServ proudly announces to have been awarded the contract to prepare an Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) Assessment of a chemicals manufacturer of solvent-based and water-based resins in Egypt.
The chemicals manufacturer operates three manufacturing facilities located in 6th of October City and a storage facility located in Suez. The facilities have a production capacity of 275,000 tons and storage space/capacity of 12,000 m2 and 5,600 tons.
The consultant will carry out the review in accordance with a reference framework set by the client, with the primary benchmark being the IFC performance standards. This includes considerations for technical safety of the facilities, fire safety, chemical process safety, occupational health and safety, ISO standards, REACH, CLP legislation, National legal requirements and World Bank industry specific guidelines.
Under this framework, EcoConServ will undertake site visits, conduct interviews with key employees and produce a comprehensive ESDD report, which includes an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and a full environmental/social review of the facilities compliance level with International standards.