Water & Wastewater

ESCHIA for the Hebron Regional Wastewater Management Project, Palestine. 2018
Clients: Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), World Bank (WB), French Development Agency (AFD)
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to deliver an addendum to the Environmental, Social, and Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (ESCHIA) originally prepared in 2013 and revised in 2014. Since 2014, some baseline conditions and design aspects of the Hebron wastewater treatment plant have changed.
In addition, some municipalities of the Hebron Governorate raised concerns on some design aspects and their environmental impacts on the surrounding communities, such as distance to residential areas and related impacts of odor, pest hazards and mosquito infestation, and others.
Specifically, EcoConServ updated the assessment and mitigation plans in the ESCHIA and carried out several rounds of consultations.
Update the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Develop the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of the Proposed Recovery and Reuse Scheme, Namely the Recovery Scheme Infrastructure, the Irrigation Network and the Related Environment, Palestine. 2018
Client: French Development Agency (AFD)
Project Description: In 2013, a Supplementary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study was conducted for the North Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment Project, which consists of three main Parts; Part ‘A’: Terminal Pump Station, Pressure line and nine infiltration basins, Part ‘B’, construction of New WWTP to replace the old BLWWTP, and Part ‘C’: Recovery and Reuse Scheme.
EcoConServ was hired by the AFD, the main donor for the project, to carry out complementary studies needed to make Part C of the project eligible to a co-funding in the amount of 32 MUSD by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In association with UG Gaza, EcoConServ was contracted to update this ESIA and to develop a gender action plan as well as a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of the proposed recovery and reuse scheme, i.e. the recovery scheme infrastructure, the irrigation networks, and the related environment.
Develop Remediation Alternatives for the Decommissioning Activities of Beit Lahia Wastewater Treatment Plant (BLWWTP), Palestine. 2017
Client: Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), funded by the World Bank
Project Description: The Beit Lahia Wastewater Treatment Plant (BLWWTP) is located 1.5 km east of the town center of Beit Lahia in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and was established in 1976 with a capacity of 5,000 m3/d. The combination of increasing volumes of generated wastewater and insufficient treatment capacity at the BLWWTP led to deterioration of the effluent quality. The great volumes of poorly treated wastewater have led to clogging effects in the neighboring sand dune areas. The ongoing decrease of the infiltration capacity of the flooded areas and the increasing wastewater volumes have resulted in the formation of enduring ponds and finally a lake.
EcoConServ has been contracted by the Palestinian Water Authority to prepare an Environmental and Social Aspect Report for the rehabilitation of the lake and BLWWTP decommissioning works covering all environmental and social aspects. Moreover, EcoConServ proposed a detailed lake rehabilitation and decommissioning plan, and prepared the tender documents for the decommissioning and rehabilitation activities.
Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for West Bank and Gaza Water Security Development Program (WSDP), Palestine. 2017
Client: Palestinian Water Authority (PWA)
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) with the purpose of establishing resettlement objectives, organizational arrangements and funding mechanisms for any resettlement operation that may be necessary, including the compensation of all Project Affected Persons (PAPs) for the loss of land, property and livelihood resulting from displacement and resettlement, as well as assistance in relocation and rehabilitation.
ESIA for El-Resa Desalination Plant, Egypt. 2017
Clients: Holding Company for Water & Wastewater (HCWW), North & South Sinai Company for Water & Wastewater, funded by USAID
Project Description: This project aimed at bridging the gap of water supply in El Arish City through establishing a desalination plant in El Resa area within the jurisdiction of El Arish city with a capacity of 5000 m3/ day.
The desalination plant is designed to desalinate seawater at a salinity of 38,000 ppm to produce potable water, which is anticipated to serve up to 50,000 households in El Resa area.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an ESIA study to be delivered to and approved by USAID as well as EEAA. Accordingly, the technical services delivered included the preparation of a baseline assessment, environmental and social impact assessment, mitigation measures, environmental and social management and monitoring plan (ESMP), as well as the conductance of stakeholder consultations.
Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Sludge Sampling Program, Egypt. 2017
Client: Ramboll Environ UK
Project Description: The groundwater monitoring follows on from a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment undertaken at the site in August 2015 by Ramboll Environ UK, supported by EcoConServ.
EcoConServ was contracted to provide the technical services associated with the monitoring, which had the following objectives: (1) to assess the variation in groundwater levels and thus flow directions beneath the site, as well as the concentrations of chemicals of concern and associated trends; (2) to assess the concentrations of pesticides in the sludge present in the base of the soakaway/septic tank that receives the laundry water discharge; and (3) to evaluate (as an option) deeper groundwater in the area of the soakaway/septic tank to assess potential impacts.
Updating the ESIA Framework for the HCWW – Integrated Sanitation and Sewage Infrastructure Project, Phase 2 (ISSIP), Egypt. 2016
Client: Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW), funded by the World Bank
Project Description: In January 2009, HCWW, with support from the WB, has initiated the ISSIP which is providing deprived villages in Gharbeya, Beheira and Kafr EI Sheikh with sanitation services. The developmental objective of ISSIP is to improve health conditions of rural inhabitants in the project area and to improve surface water quality in selected irrigation command areas. The first phase of ISSIP (ISSIP-l) is implementing centralized sanitation systems in about 222 villages within 14 clusters and decentralized systems in about 120 villages with smaller populations. In order to widen the coverage areas of the ISSIP and to increase the number of beneficiaries, HCWW has planned to implement a second phase of the ISSIP (ISSIP-2) in which the geographic coverage of the project will be extended to another 2 Lower Egypt Governorates, namely Menoufeya and Sharkeya Governorates, and 2 Upper Egypt Governorates, Assiut and Sohag Governorates. HCWW has requested the assistance of the WB for implementing the ISSIP II.
EcoConServ was contracted to update the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) framework. This ESIA involved a study of the environmental risks and impacts of the project as well as mitigation measures and project alternatives. The environmental portion of the study involved a careful examination of the development of water and wastewater treatment utilities and treatment methods. The report studies the various environmental impacts and sets a comprehensive mitigation plan including environmental management and monitoring plans. The social portion of the assessment provided a focus on the willingness to pay, and worked towards creating a structure of responsibility and involvement for communities included in the project area through public consultation meetings and through examination of the capabilities and interests of community members in regards to the project’s activities.
Artificial Timber Forest ESIA Framework for HCWW – Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project, Phase 2 (ISSIP), Egypt. 2016
Client: Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW), funded by the World Bank
Project Description: In January 2009, HCWW, with support from the WB, has initiated the ISSIP which is providing deprived villages in Gharbeya, Beheira and Kafr EI Sheikh with sanitation services. The developmental objective of ISSIP is to improve health conditions of rural inhabitants in the project area and to improve surface water quality in selected irrigation command areas. The first phase of ISSIP (ISSIP-l) is implementing centralized sanitation systems in about 222 villages within 14 clusters and decentralized systems in about 120 villages with smaller populations. In order to widen the coverage areas of the ISSIP and to increase the number of beneficiaries, HCWW has planned to implement a second phase of the ISSIP (ISSIP-2) in which the geographic coverage of the project will be extended to another 2 Lower Egypt Governorates, namely Menoufeya and Sharkeya Governorates, and 2 Upper Egypt Governorates, Assiut and Sohag Governorates. HCWW has requested the assistance of the WB for implementing the ISSIP II. The project proponent has allocated 400 acres of land surrounding the WWTP in Assiut, near Al Nawawra village, for afforestation. The timber forest is designed to receive 6,000 m3/day in its first phase until the year 2030.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the artificial timber forest, which included a study of the environmental risks and impacts of the project as well as mitigation measures and project alternatives.
Further Projects include:
- ESIA for Rural Clusters under Phase 2 of ISSIP II for the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) – Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure Project, Phase 2 (ISSIP II), Sohag and Assuit governorates, funded by the World Bank, Egypt, 2016
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) – El-Resa Desalination Plant, and 4 desalination plant at the villages (Bir- el-Abd , Arab Billy, Auqria, Al-Twayel), Holding Company for Water & Wastewater, North & South Sinai Company for Water & Wastewater, Funded by USAID, Egypt, 2015
- Baseline Study on Water Quality and Public Health in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Water Authority / Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Palestine, 2014
- Preparation of the Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) for the Establishment of the Deir Al Balah Desalination Plant in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Water Authority (PAW), European Investment Bank (EIB), Palestine, 2014
- Mid-Term Review of the Technical Planning and Advisory Team (TPAT) in the Water and Sanitation Sector, & Support to the Development of the Palestinian Water Authority’s (PWA) Monitoring and Evaluation System, International Development Association (IDA), Palestine, 2014
- Assessment of Acquired Regional Experience (Jordan & Palestine) on Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Sludge Management, Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), International Development Association (IDA), 2012
- Supplementary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of North Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment Project (NGESTP), Effluent Recovery & Reuse System and Remediation Works, Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), The World Bank, 2012
- Preparation and Assistance to GIZ’s Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector Program in the MENA Region, Egypt, 2011
- Technical Services for Problem Identification, Efficiency Improvement, and On-the-Job Training in Operation and Maintenance for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWWTP) of Best Cheese Company for Dairy Products SAE, Egypt, 2011