
Impact Assessment Study for the On Farm Irrigation Development in the Old-Lands (OFIDO) Project, Egypt. 2019
Client: OFIDO, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Project Description: OFIDO has been launched in 2012 with the overall goal of improving the livelihoods of the rural poor in the project area through targeted interventions to enhance agricultural production and thereby raise household incomes. The project composes four components: Irrigation & water management, agriculture competitiveness enhancement, rural enterprise and micro finance development, and project coordination and management. EcoConServ has been contracted to assess to what extent the project interventions have contributed to achieve the set goals of improving the livelihoods of the rural poor. Specifically, OFIDO is interested in measuring the impact on beneficiaries at least one year after the service provided by the training, extension, and rural finance activities. Accordingly, this assignment will be prepared to determine the social, environmental and economic impacts in the targeted areas by identifying both the failure and success factors.
“Fish Farm” – Ambient Air Quality Measurements, Egypt. 2018
Client: Ieoc Production B.V. / ENI Egypt
Project Description: Eni is planning to start a new project called “Fish Farm” near El Gamil Airport in Port Said Governorate. EcoConServ was contracted to carry out ambient air quality measurements to ensure that the project area’s ambient conditions are within the limits accepted by national law, taking into consideration the three nearby asphalt mixing units. The following air quality parameters were measured and presented in the report: Total Suspended Particulates (TSP), Particulates with a size up to 10 microns (PM-10), Sulphur Dioxide Gas (SO2), Nitrogen Oxides Gases (NO, NO2, and NOx), Carbon Monoxide Gas (CO).
Beneficiary Survey and Social Aspect of the Borrower Completion Report (BCR) for the Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization Project (FIMP), Egypt. 2017
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation – Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization Project
Project Description: The FIMP project aimed to increase access to improved irrigation systems in an equitable manner on about 170,000 feddans of farm land in the areas of Mahmoudia, Manafia, and Meet Yazid in the Nile Delta. The project was financed by the Government of Egypt, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the World Bank, and the French Development Agency (AFD).
EcoConServ was contracted to assess the project’s quality and social impacts throughout its life cycle and to reflect critical lessons learned from social perspectives. As such, EcoConServ conducted a Beneficiary Survey, supported the project management unit in the preparation of the Borrower’s Completion Report, and developed a section on lessons learned pertinent to the project’s social development aspects.
Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) for the Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization Program (FIMP), Egypt. 2016
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, funded by the World Bank
Project Description: Irrigation is a critical input for Egypt’s agricultural production, and 90% of the agricultural lands are irrigated from the Nile River.
The Government of Egypt (GoE) is implementing the World Bank funded Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization Project (FIMP) with the objectives to increase agricultural profitability and equal access to higher quality water. The FIMP was implemented on about 180,000 feddans of land and benefited up to 140,000 small-scale farmers.
In full compliance with the WB OP 4.12 pertaining to the involuntary resettlement, EcoConServ was contracted to prepare a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and an audit mission for compensation activities.
Further Projects include:
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment for Syngenta Egypt, Ramboll Environ UK, Egypt, 2015
- Site Scoping Visit at Syngenta Egypt (Agricultural Products), Kaha Research Station, Kaha, Kalubia, Egypt, Ramboll Environ UK, 2015, Egypt, 2015
- Study and Review the Current Situation of Rice Straw in the Nile Delta Region, Mobinil, Egypt, 2009