Infrastructure & Transportation

Environmental and Social Screening of the upgrading of the Tanta-El Mansoura-Damietta Railway Line, Egypt. 2019
Client: French Development Agency (AFD)
Project Description: As part of its plan to improve Egyptian railway structures, Egyptian National Railway (ENR) will upgrade 119km of railways between Tanta, El Mansoura and Damietta. This includes the duplication of 54km with 16 stations between Tanta and El Mansoura, as well as the modernization of the signaling system along the single-track railway line of 65km with 19 stations between El Mansoura and Damietta.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental & Social Pre-assessment in compliance with EIB and World Bank E&S Standards to screen potential impacts related to the project activities.
EIA (Form B) for the Upgrade and Doubling of the Western Desert Road between Qena and Luxor, Egypt. 2019
Client: National Authority for Housing and Development
Project Description: As part of their efforts to upgrade connections between cities in the South of Egypt, the National Authority for Housing and Development scheduled the Western Desert Road connecting Qena to Luxor and passing by Al Mahrousa for an upgrade and doubling to increase the traffic flow between the connected areas while maintaining the safety of the users. The stretch of road measured approximately 55 km and passed by a desert area, near agricultural lands and some residences.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare a Form B Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in full compliance with national Egyptian requirements.
Social Consultancy for a Public Transport Project in the West Bank, Palestine. 2018
Clients: Palestinian Ministry of Transport, funded by the Dutch Government, International Finance Cooperation (IFC)
Project Description: The Ministry of Transport of the Palestinian Authority has successfully applied for a grant from the Dutch Government through its Facility for Infrastructure Development program (ORIO) to improve the quality, quantity and sustainability of bus services in the West Bank. In November 2015, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was hired as lead advisor to design and structure the project with the aim of achieving two primary objectives: i) improve the quality of service of public transportation in the West Bank, and ii) safeguard the long term financial sustainability of the sector.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform social consultancy, to review and assist in the fulfillment of the technical requirements and services indicated in the ToR. Amongst others, the organization’s fulfillment of international standards was ensured, a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy was prepared and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan drafted, a Grievance Mechanism Procedure was developed, and sites for repair and maintenance workshops were selected.
Environmental & Social Management Services of Greater Cairo Metro, Al Thawra Line 3, Phase 3, Egypt. 2017
Client: Egyptian French Joint Venture (EFJV), funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Project Description: The National Authorities for Tunnels (NAT) is constructing the third phase of Metro line 3 (Al Thawra Line) in Cairo, funded by the EIB. Phase 3 has a total length of 17.7 km from Attaba station to Kit Kat station, after which the line diverges into two branches: the main branch serves the Imbaba area, while the second branch serves Mohendessen, Boulek Eldkror and Cairo University. It includes 15 stations, 8 underground, 5 elevated and 2 at grade stations, annex structures, stabling area and light repair workshop.
EcoConServ was contracted to carry out Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Services complying by national standards and EIB environmental and social guidelines. Specifically, EcoConServ reviewed and updated the Environmental & Social Management Plans and carried out periodical environmental and social monitoring activities in all sites and stations during construction, conducted awareness activities for the workers as well as community engagement activities.
Environmental and Social Assessment and Auditing for Upgrading Cairo Metro Line 1, Egypt. 2017
Client: Mena Rail Transport Consultants, funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Project Description: The Cairo Metro Network which has been operating since 1987 has proven to be the most suitable mass transport solution as it provides affordable mobility for low and middle income passengers at a high capacity. About 2.2 million passengers us the metro every day. Line 1 and Line 2 comprise a network of 66 kilometers and 55 stations on the south-north corridor. To provide the crucial transport link to the east and west of the City, including the New Cities, construction works on Line III were initiated in 2007 and its extension is currently ongoing.
Line 1 is considered the backbone of the Greater Cairo metro network, comprising 44 kilometers and 35 stations, of which the underground section covers 4.7km of the line and 5 stations (Alshohada, Ahmed Oraby, Gamal Abdelnaser, Elsadat, Saad Zaghlool), built by cut-and-cover technique. The line extends from New El Marg to Helwan. Since the line has been in operation for almost 30 years, it needed to be upgraded.
EcoConServ was contracted to assess the project’s strength and weaknesses as well as environmental and social performance based on information gathered through site visits and questionnaires. Moreover, EcoConServ prepared an Audit and Assessment Report according to EBRD requirements, an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of RAP Activities for Phase 3 of Cairo Metro Line 3, Egypt. 2017
Client: European Investment Bank (EIB)
Project Description: The EIB and the French Development Agency (AFD) are co-financing the construction of the Phase 3 of the Greater Cairo Metro Line 3 from Attaba station to Cairo University.
EcoConServ was contracted to monitor the resettlement and compensation activities carried out and ensured their compliance with the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) previously prepared by EcoConServ. Moreover, EcoConServ periodically reviewed and assessed the effectiveness of the activities implemented and their outcomes and impacts. Based on these assessments, EcoConServ provided advice and recommendations to the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) on measures to enhance the effectiveness of the project implementation and achievement of the project development objectives through appropriately addressing the social issues of the project, including social accountability, communication, awareness raising, land acquisition, resettlement and compensation.
Updating the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Cairo Metro Line 4 – Phase 1, Egypt. 2017
Client: National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)
Project Description: The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is co-financing the construction of Phase 1 of the Greater Cairo Metro Line 4. The Executive Governmental Agency and the owner of the construction project is the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT). The benefits of enhanced transportation for residents and commuters, neighbourhoods and businesses, from the operation of Metro Line 4 – Phase 1 will be widely appreciated. Greater Cairo’s experience with Lines 3 and 2 confirm that. The design, alignment and construction of the Metro project over several years in specific locales can, however, be an enduring hardship, hazard to safety and well-being, or permanent detriment. These negative environmental and social impacts should be taken in account. It is important then that the design, alignment and construction aim at alleviating these negative impacts and community disruptions in a feasible manner.
The original Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for Phase 1 (the northern route) was prepared in 2010 at the time of the Feasibility Study. However, JICA has since updated its Guidelines and, thus, the RPF needed to be reviewed and updated accordingly. The revised RPF complies to Egyptian laws on land and property acquisition, practical operation, as well as donor policies such as JICA Guidelines and World Bank OP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement). Its primariy objectives are to examine the institutional framework for and the potential impacts of land acquisition and resettlement under consideration of applicable policies.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare this revised RPF as well as to develop a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the construction Phase 1 of Cairo Metro Line 4.
Upgrading the Study of environmental and social impact of the Tramway in Alexandria, Egypt. 2016
Client: Oréade-Brèche, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD)
Project Description: The AFD considers the possibility of granting a sovereign loan of 100 million euros to the Egyptian state to finance the rehabilitation of the blue tram Alexandria.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare a supplementary environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the tramway, including noise measurements and noise baseline reports, as well as a social baseline report.
Further Projects include:
- Environmental and Social Due Diligence for Egyptian National Railways (ENR) workshops and activities, Environ UK, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Egypt, 2013
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study for the Renovation and Extension of the Heliopolis-New Cairo Tramway, General Organization for Physical Planning, Egypt, 2013
- Urban Railway Resettlement Audit for the Société du Réseau Ferroviaire Rapide, European Investment Bank (EIB), Tunisia, 2012
- Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3), European Investment Bank (EIB), Egypt, 2012
- Supplementary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Cairo Metro Line 3-Phase 3, European Investment Bank (EIB), Egypt, 2012
- Consultancy Services for the Environmental and Social Management Activities Egypt National Railways Restructuring Project, Ministry of Transport, World Bank, Egypt, 2011