Oil & Gas

ESIA Study for Methanol Derivatives Project, Egypt. 2020
Client: Suez Methanol Derivatives Company (SMD)
Project Description: EcoConServ was awarded the contract to prepare an ESIA for the Methanol Derivatives Project in Damietta Port.
SMD plans to build a new plant in Damietta Port on the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast to produce Formaldehydes from various raw materials, including mainly Methanol and Urea. The aim of the ESIA study will be to identify the environmental and social risks, to assess the impacts of the different design elements of the proposed facility, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental and social performance, with the final goal of obtaining the EEAA Environmental Permit.
External Monitoring Report of RAP Implementation for RAVEN Natural Gas Pipeline, Egypt. 2019
Client: Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO)
Fund: World Bank
Project Description: Resettlement Monitoring and Evaluation is an integral part of the resettlement process. It enables the project management to make timely decisions on curative measures needed to implement resettlement effectively, and learn strategic lessons for future policy formulation and planning.
EcoConServ was contracted to review and assess the implementation of the RAP and validate the RAP implementation, payments to PAPs, livelihood restoration and changes in living standards, achievement of resettlement objectives, effectiveness and adequacy of compensation entitlements, the remedial measures to address any issues related to payments and Rap implementation, institutional arrangements and capacity of PIU, and to verify internal reports.
Social and Environmental Risk Profile for Oil and Gas Operations for Exxon Mobil in Egypt, Egypt. 2019
Client: Acorn International
Project Description: Exxon Mobil proposes to drill an offshore exploration well in the Mediterranean Sea. Under this framework, EcoConServ was contracted to prepare a high-level summary report identifying the environmental and social risks that may have an impact on Exxon’s proposed drilling activities. There is also a possibility of drilling a well in the Red Sea, and thus the analysis conducted took into consideration the baseline data of the Red Sea region.
ESIA Study for the Red Sea New Hydrocracking and Naphtha Complex Project, Egypt. 2019
Client: Engineering for Petroleum and Process Industries (ENPPI)
Project Description: In alignment with the Egyptian vision for developing the oil & gas sector by increasing the number of refineries in Egypt, it is planned to establish a new hydrocracking and naphtha complex operated by Red Sea National Refinery and Petrochemicals Company in Suez, Egypt. The company intends to import crude oil, process it in Nasr Petroleum Company (NPC) where it will be distilled to produce straight run Naphtha, straight run Kerosene, straight run gas oil, atmospheric residue, off-gases as well as Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG).
Having already completed the Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (PESIA) for the proposed project, EcoConServ will now continue to conduct the full ESIA study and obtain the environmental permit and approval for the new Red Sea hydrocracking and naphtha complex in Suez Governorate from EEAA.
High Level Impact Assessment for Gas for Gaza Project, Palestine. 2019
Client: Office of the Quartet (OQ), UNOPS
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to prepare the high impact assessment for the Gas for Gaza (G4G) Project. The study’s key objective is to identify potential social, economic, and environmental impacts of connecting gas to Gaza, according to different scenarios of the G4G Project’s development.
Securing access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy in the West Bank and Gaza is central to improving the lives of Palestinians, creating the conditions under which economic growth can be realized. Accordingly, with their work in the energy sector, the OQ aims to develop and support the Palestinian Authority with the initiatives, policies, and projects that address the full generation-transmission-distribution cycle and contribute to the establishment of a unified and economically viable sector.
The high-level impact assessment includes three main components: A baseline description of relevant economic, social, and environmental indicators, and their relationship with each other, as well as of Gaza’s current energy sector; a description of G4G’s impacts on those indicators, as well as the energy sector’s performance; and a stakeholder buy-in-strategic communication plan.
Preliminary Environmental Assessment for the New Terminal 2 Hydrant Land and Activity, Egypt. 2019
Client: TOTAL Egypt
Project Description: After taking over the transfer pipelines for jet fuel in Cairo International Airport, Terminal 2, TOTAL needed to assess the pipelines’ environmental impact before starting operations.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) with the objective to identify environmental liabilities related to air quality, as well as soil, groundwater, and/or surface water contamination. The PEA included reviewing the site’s environmental records, publicly available governmental environmental records, historical sources, as well as conducting a site reconnaissance, GPR measurements, and interviews with the site personnel.
ESIA, ESDD and RAP studies for Raven Gas Pipeline 75 km, Egypt. 2018
Client: Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO), funded by World Bank
Project Description: With a loan from the World Bank, GASCO decided to procure, construct and operate a new 75km long gas pipeline from Raven gas field in North Alexandria to both, the Western Desert Gas Complex (WDGC) and Amreya Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) plant in Alexandria.
EcoConServ has been awarded the consultancy services for the preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as well as a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Environmental Due Diligence (ESDD) Study.
The ESIA presents the potential environmental and social impacts expected from the proposed project activities on the surrounding areas, and the proposed mitigation measures to ensure the elimination or reduction of any possible adverse effects.
Social Impact and Community Assessment (SSCA) Idku & Neag, Egypt. 2018
Client: Shell Egypt N.V.
Project Description: In the course of the integration process of BG business, Social Performance is working to understand the social risks associated with doing business in Idku and North East Abu El Gharadig in the Western Desert.
BG had limited its community engagement in Idku for the last four years. During this period, other IOCs have entered Idku for business, stirring the community in a different way and offering a comprehensive social performance program.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a Social Impact Community Assessment (SSCA) study. This entailed updating of socioeconomic baseline data in the area, updating community stakeholder profiles, and understanding the community’s perceptions of and expectations from the gas hub. The study provides insights into local community concerns and helps prioritize operational, environmental, and social performance interventions.
EIA for SWM-A-1 Exploratory Drilling Well, Western Desert, Egypt. 2018
Client: Ieoc Production B.V. / ENI Egypt
Project Description: The proposed exploratory drilling well SWM-A-1 is located in the South West Meleiha Concession in the Western Desert. The project’s objective is to exploit the natural resources and determine the possibility of finding hydrocarbons.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) conforming to the legal and regulatory requirements set forth by EEAA.
In brief, EcoConServ performed a review of the policy, legal, and administrative frameworks, as well as of the project itself. After conducting scoping sessions, the baseline data for the ESIA of the proposed project was compiled, and the ESIA and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) were prepared.
ESIA for Seismic Acquisition in South East Meleiha, Egypt. 2018
Clients: Apex International Energy Holding II, International Finance Cooperation (IFC)
Project Description: Apex International intends to run a seismic campaign at their newly acquired South East Meleiha concession in the Western Desert. Seismic activities will be carried out in two areas, West Zarif and North Raml, and are planned to start in mid-2018.
EcoConServ was contracted to assess the environmental and social impact of the proposed project (ESIA) in compliance with the law and guidelines set forth by EEAA and EGPC, as well as with international standards defined by the World Bank.
In brief, EcoConServ performed a review of the policy, legal, and administrative frameworks, as well as of the project itself. After conducting scoping sessions, the baseline data for the ESIA of the proposed project was compiled, and the ESIA and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) were prepared.
ESIA for Drilling of Nour-1 Well, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt. 2018
Client: Ieoc Production B.V. / ENI Egypt
Project Description: Nour-1 Well lies within the Nour Concession in the Mediterranean Sea at 51km from the shoreline, near Port Fouad, Temsah, and Thekah wells. The objective of the proposed exploratory drilling is to exploit the natural resources and to determine the possibility of finding hydrocarbons.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) meeting the legal and regulatory requirements set forth by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). In brief, EcoConServ performed a review of the policy, legal, and administrative frameworks, as well as of the project itself. After conducting scoping sessions, the baseline data for the ESIA of the proposed project was compiled, and the ESIA and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) were prepared.
ESIA & RAP for EG-Giza North Power Project for 2 Gas Pipelines (Menoufia & Assiut), Egypt. 2017
Client: Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO), funded by the World Bank</>
Project Description: GASCO is implementing the project financed by the World Bank, which consists of the construction of two new gas pipelines to provide natural gas to the Giza North Power Station. The project’s objective is to strengthen the national network of natural gas as a stable energy source in the central region of Cairo West, to further expand the delivery of natural gas services to households and industrial facilities.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study, adhering to both World Bank and EEAA standards, as well as a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
ESIA for an Exploratory Drilling Well in South West Meleiha Concession, Egypt. 2017
Client: Ieoc Production B.V. / ENI Egypt
Project Description: ENI has made a big oil discovery in the Western Desert of Egypt, part of the group’s strategy of refocusing exploration activities in the country by targeting deeper plays in the Western Desert region. The discovery, at the Emry Deep exploration prospect, located in the Meleiha Concession 290 kilometers south west of Alexandria, was estimated at 150-250 million barrels of oil in place.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study according to the Egyptian Environmental Law and international standards. The study’s object was to ensure compliance with EEAA requirements, to describe the project’s components and activities as well as baseline environmental and social conditions, to assess potential impacts of the projects, and to prepare and Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMoP), which included mitigation measures and recommended monitoring activities.
PESIA for Petro-Refinery Complex in Suez, Egypt. 2017
Clients: Toyota Tsusho Corporation (TTC), Egyptian Petrochemical Holding Company (ECHEM)
Project Description: Due to the increase of oil demand and the low operation rate of the existing refineries in Egypt, ECHEM and the Egyptian General Petroleum Company (EGPC) planned to establish a new Petro-Refinery Complex in Suez. The Project is financed by Export Credit Agency (ECA), a private or quasi-governmental institution that acts as an intermediary between national governments and exporters to issue export financing.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (PESIA) for the proposed project, complying to the regulations of the Egyptian law and its executive regulations, to the guidelines of the EEAA, as well as the General Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Oil & Gas Establishments published by Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S), the general division of EGPC, and relevant international guidelines and standards including the World Bank Environmental Assessment Standards.
ESIA and RAP Studies for the Egypt Natural Gas Connection Project, Egypt. 2017
Clients: EGAS, Petrosafe, funded by the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD)
Project Description: In efforts to increase household usage of Natural Gas (NG) as a substitute for highly subsidized and mostly imported Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), 800,000 households are connected to the NG distribution grid per year. An additional expansion program aims to connect 2.5 million households over 3 years, which involves the extension of the network and accompanying infrastructure in 11 Governorates between 2014 and 2017.
EcoConServ was contracted to deliver a total of 14 reports for the Governorates of Ismailia, Gharbeya, Matrouh, Qena, and Qalubia, including 7 ESIA studies, 5 ESMPs, 2 Due Diligences.
ESIA for an Exploratory Drilling Well in South West Meleiha Concession, Egypt. 2017
Client: Ieoc Production BV / ENI Egypt
Project Description: The onshore exploratory drilling well SWM-2 in the South West Meleiha concession in Marsa Matrouh Governorate is owned by Ieoc and operated by Agiba.
EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study according to the Egyptian Environmental Law and international standards. The study’s object was to ensure compliance with EEAA requirements, to describe the project’s components and activities as well as baseline environmental and social conditions, to assess potential impacts of the projects, and to prepare and Environmental and Social Management & Monitoring Plan (ESMMoP), which included mitigation measures and recommended monitoring activities.
ESIA for Renting and Operating a Logistics Base and Jetty inside Damietta Maritime Port, Egypt. 2017
Client: Ieoc Production BV / ENI Egypt
Project Description: The IEOC’s Petroleum projects aim to strengthen the strategic objectives of the petroleum sector in Egypt. The proposed project included the leasing of a maritime logistics base located on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast (Damietta seaport) to support the activities of exploration, upgrading, etc. in all land and marine sites within Egypt.
The primary function of the service was to support and implement IEOC’s offshore drilling program efficiently and effectively, with safety given top priority.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) with the objective to provide support for assessment and subsequent management of the environmental, social, safety, and overall cumulative health effects of the operational phase only for the proposed facility at Damietta seaport.
Environmental Services for Schlumberger’s sites in Egypt, Egypt. 2017
Client: Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to perform Environmental Due Diligence Audits (EDD) to identify environmental liabilities related to air quality, soil, groundwater and/or surface water contamination.
As such, environmental measurements and samplings were conducted and compared to the limits permitted by the Environmental Law, the results of which were compiled and published in an adequate report. Further, entry and exit site assessments/due diligence reports for all facilities were conducted.
EIA for Exploratory Drilling Well in South West Meleiha Concession, Egypt. 2017
Client: International Egyptian Oil Co. (IEOC) Production / ENI Egypt
Project Description: As part of the field’s initial development the client was planning to launch a drilling exploration campaign in South Meleiha Concession in the Western Desert, Egypt.
EcoConServ was contracted to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of SWM-B-1 Exploratory Drilling well, in South West Meleiha Concession.
The aim of the study was to assess the impacts of the different proposed design elements of the SWM-B-1 Exploratory Drilling well Project, and to propose measures to enhance its environmental performance.
Review of ESIA for 3D Marine Survey, Egypt. 2016
Client: IEOC Production BV / ENI Egypt
Project Description: The 3D marine survey is located in Karawan and North Leil Concessions in the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea. The 3D survey area was about 2130 km² for Karawan and 995 km² for North Leil.
EcoConServ was contracted to review the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) conducted. The ESIA aimed to ensure compliance with EEAA requirements, to describe the project’s components and activities, as well as baseline environmental and social conditions, to assess potential impacts and to prepare an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), which outlines mitigation measures and recommends monitoring activities in compliance with the relevant environmental law.
Technical Assistance & Report for a Site Visit to MIDOR Facility, Egypt. 2016
Client: Ramboll-Environ Italy
Project Description: EcoConServ was contracted to assist Ramboll Environ Italy in conducting an Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) for the Middle East Oil Refinery located in Alexandria, Egypt. Issues covered included amongst others: air emissions, risk management, waste management, and toxic and hazardous substances.
ESIA and RAP for 10 Natural Gas Pipelines Feeding North Giza Power Plant, Egypt. 2016
Client: Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO), financed by the World Bank
Project Description: The proposed project is considered as part of Egypt’s strategy which aims to expand the use of natural gas as a clean source of energy, a goal that will be achieved through delivering natural gas to houses, industrial facilities and power plants. In this regard, the EG-Giza North Power Project was undertaken by the Egyptian Government. Accordingly, the Egyptian Company for Natural Gas (GASCO) is constructing gas pipelines to provide natural gas to North Giza power station.
Under this framework, EcoConServ was contracted to prepare an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), including a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the construction of the 10 pipelines. The studies examined the effects of the planned activities on existing environmental and social conditions in areas along the proposed routes of the pipelines, and suggests measures for monitoring and mitigating any potential negative outcomes. The requirements of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) for Environmental Impact Assessments of Oil and Gas Sector Projects, and the relevant World Bank (WB) Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies have been integrated in the preparation of this ESIA.
Updating the Compliance Assurance Regulatory Register Build for Chevron Egypt, Egypt. 2016
Client: Chevron Egypt Lubricants
Project Description: Chevron contracted EcoConServ to update the Compliance Assurance (CA) regulatory register and to interpret the CA register’s related legal articles in the native Arabic language for medium and low risk aspects to assure precise compliance with contemporary laws.
The Compliance Assurance (CA) regulatory register comprises items related to medium and low risk aspects concerning all industrial, commercial, environmental, health and safety obligations under laws and regulations. Local Arabic articles and regulations were identified and added under these aspects. Thus, Chevron would be prepared to avoid or address any violation of local laws and regulations.
Further projects include:
- ESIA for Total’s Suez Depot Rehabilitation Project, Total Egypt, Egypt, 2015
- Social Baseline Study for TOTAL E&P Egypt North El Mahala Onshore Block 2, Egypt, 2015
- Egypt Natural Gas Connections Project- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study & Resettlement Action Plans for NG connections in 11 Governorate, EGAS, Petrosafe, funded by the World Bank Egypt, 2015
- Updating of the Environmental Register of the Year 2015 for Total Egypt’s Suez Terminal and Marsa Alam Aviation Depot, Egypt, 2015
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Onshore and Offshore Aeromag Surveys of Blocks 4 and 5 in the Republic of Malawi for Exploration of Hydrocarbons, Ras Al Khaimah Gas LLC, Malawi, 2015
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Meleiha Gas Plant, Agiba Petroleum Company, Egypt, 2014
- Updating the Compliance Assurance Regulatory Register Build for Chevron Egypt, Egypt, 2014
- Methodology Development for the Implementation of a Targeted Mechanism to Support Gas Connection Charges in Disadvantaged Areas, French Development Agency (AFD), Egypt, 2014
- Preparation of Environmental Registers, Hazardous Materials & Waste Registers, and Compliance Action Plan for El Mehwar & Akbar El Youm Fueling Stations, TOTAL Egypt, Egypt, 2014
- Environmental Measurements for 39 Shell Services Stations, Shell Egypt, Egypt, 2013
- Health, Environment and Safety Due Diligence Assessment for Al-Rawda, Al-Bahr El-Azam, and Makram Ebeid Service Stations, Shell Egypt, Egypt, 2013
- Preparation of the Energy and Resources Efficiency Program for the Corporate Sector of the Improved Petroleum Recovery Group, EBRD, WS Atkins International, Egypt, 2013</li
- Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) for Shell Egypt’s Seismic Acquisitions on the North West Coast of Egypt, Shell Egypt, 2013
- Environmental Register for Shell Oil Depot in 6th of October City, Shell Egypt, Egypt, 2013
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Register for Shell Gasoline, and Diesel Depot in Mostorod, Qalyoubia, Shell Egypt, Egypt, 2013
- Suez Terminal and Marsa Alam Fueling Station Environmental Register 2013 / Marsa Alam Soil Assessment, Chevron SAE, Egypt, 2013
- Framework Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Policy Framework for Residential Natural Gas Distribution Networks in 11 Egyptian Governorates, EGAS, Petrosafe, World Bank, Egypt, 2013
- Suez Terminal and Marsa Alam Fueling Station Environmental Register – 2012, Marsa Alam Environmental Baseline Assessment, Chevron SAE, Egypt, 2012
- Environmental Impact Assessment for Greater Cairo Gas Connections Project, Arab National Cement Company (ANCC), Nile Valley Gas Co., Egypt, 2012
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Bani Mazar Gas Pipeline and Pressure Reduction Station, Arab National Cement Company (ANCC), Egypt, 2012
- Assessment of Compliance with “Equator Principles” for Tri-Ocean Energy’s West Gabal El Zeit Field Project, Egypt, 2011
- Egypt CA Regulatory Register Build for Chevron Egypt Lubricants SAE, Egypt, 2011
- Terminal Review for SUMED’s Single Point Moorings (SPMs), Storage Terminal and Pipeline Dispatch at Ain Sokhna – as well as Sidi Kerir storage terminal and SPMs, Egypt, 2011
- Assistance to Chevron Egypt with the OE Compliance Assurance Program for Global Downstream – Building the OE CA Register for Chevron Lubricant Plant, ERM GmbH, Chevron, Egypt, 2011
- ESIA and RPF Studies for the Dahshour-Atfeeh and Nubaria-Metnama pipelines – GASCO, World Bank, Egypt, 2011
- Health and Safety Plan, USTs Removal for Chevron Egypt SAE, Sporting Service Station – Alexandria, Egypt, 2010
- Health, Environment and Safety Due Diligence Assessment Chevron Egypt SAE (Suez Terminal Drilling ), Egypt, 2010
- Health, Environment and Safety Due Diligence Assessment as part of Phase One assessment for Agamy Service Stations, Chevron Egypt SAE, Egypt, 2010
- Additional Studies for the EIA Study for the 500 Oily Water Disposal Line, Gemsa Petroleum Co, Egypt, 2010
- Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring for Chevron Egypt – Suez Terminal, Egypt, 2010
- Environmental Review, Monitoring and Follow-up of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Abu Qurqas–Assuit Onshore Pipeline Project, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Egyptian Natural Gas Co. (GASCO), Egypt, 2010