Waste Management

Review and Update to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and the Management Plans for Gaza Solid Waste Management Project (GSWMP), Palestine. 2020
Client: Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF)
Project Description: Gaza is facing alarming technical, environmental, social, institutional and financial challenges within a context of already underfunded service providers. The lack of appropriate solid waste infrastructure, such as transfer stations and landfills, is threatening further deterioration of the environment and higher risks of contamination of precious groundwater resources. The GSWMP was designed to improve solid waste management services in the Gaza Strip through the provision of efficient, environmentally and socially sound waste management schemes.
EcoConServ and UG Gaza were contracted to prepare an updated ESIA an addendum to the original ESIA conducted in 2012, which covered the environmental and social risks and impacts of the operation of GSWMP facilities, namely: Al Fukhary (Sofa) sanitary landfill, Rafah transfer station and Khan Younis transfer station, as well as the medical waste treatment facility funded by JICA and the secondary collection service provided by the Joint Service Council for Solid Waste Management in Khan Younis Rafah and Middle Area Governorate. In addition, management plans were prepared for each waste facility of the project, including: Pest Management Plan (PMP), Occupational Health and Safety Plan (OHS Plan), Community Health and Safety Plan (CHS Plan) and Medical Waste Management Plan.
Technical Assistance to Kuwait Municipality for Solid Waste Planning. Kuwait. 2019
Client: World Bank
Project Description: Currently, Kuwait Municipality provides waste collection, cleaning services, waste disposal, mixed waste recycling, construction and demolition waste processing, and closure of open dumpsites, as well as an active communications program through environmental education. In addition to the work of the Kuwait Municipality, there are private (formal and informal) groups that undertake recycling activities.
Kuwait Municipality aims to introduce comprehensive and integrated approach to community engagement, which addresses waste generation, encourages source separation, facilitates improved material recovery, maximizes material reuse, and provides incentives to minimize waste generated.
In this context, EcoConServ was contracted to conduct a comprehensive study to review and consolidate available information in Kuwait municipality, characterize the waste, review policy and legal framework, identify future scenarios for services and assess their viability, and develop an action plan in line with the Kuwait Municipality’s goals.
Study on E-Waste Management and Control for ECOWAS Member States, Nigeria. 2018
Clients: West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA), African Development Bank (AfDB)
Project Description: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) comprises 15 member states, which carry a significant burden of the global electronic waste (e-waste) phenomenon, as a large percentage is imported from other countries. Only very few recycling facilities have been established and the most concerning issue with regards to the informal e-waste sector is the lack of compliance with any occupational health and safety standards.
EcoConServ was contracted as a consultant to propose ways through which electronic products are recycled in a safe, effective manner, to avoid environmental pollution in the region. Accordingly studies and surveys were carried out and their results led to the proposal of an e-waste management roadmap which included: (i) strengthening of the regulatory framework to achieve sustainable e-waste management and to ensure sufficient protection of human health and environment, (ii) infrastructure for e-waste management, (iii) strengthening of institutional coordination, (iv) capacity building, (v) monitoring and evaluation.
Support formalizing five informal E-waste recyclers through developing EIA studies and provide adequate technical and administrative support to issue the operational industrial licenses, Egypt. 2018
Client: Medical and Electronic Waste Project – UNDP
Project Description: The Government of Egypt (GoE), represented by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) and the technical support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has succeeded in obtaining a new package of grants from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to implement a five years project entitled ”Protect human health and the environment from unintentional releases of POPs originating from incineration and open burning of health care- and electronic waste”.
Under this framework, a selection of informal e-waste recyclers was to be formalized to ensure proper e-waste handling with the greater objective of reducing unlicensed discharges of liquid/hazardous waste, controlling its final destination, and, finally, reducing POPs emissions.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform various ESIA studies and provide adequate technical and administrative support. Specifically, five candidates were selected from the informal recycling sector to be formalized and introduced to BAT and BEP. Five ESIAs under EEAA Category C were performed, five public hearing sessions were organized and five business models were developed. The candidates were provided with technical and administrative support to have their operational industrial licenses issued and five environmental and hazardous substance registers were developed.
ESIA for Waste Treatment Facility Using Hybrid Autoclaving Technology, Egypt. 2018
Client: Medical and Electronic Waste Management Project – UNDP
Project Description: The Egyptian Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the technical assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have secured grants from the Global Environment Facility to implement a project aiming to prevent and reduce health and environmental risks related to POPs and harmful chemicals originating from incineration and open burning of health care and electronic waste. To achieve this goal an integrated institutional and regulatory framework for environmentally sound Health Care Waste and Electronic Waste Management was developed and implemented.
EcoConServ was contracted to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study and select an adequate site for the establishments of two Central Infectious Waste Treatment Facilities in Gharbia Governorate. Such waste includes materials contaminated by body fluids, cultures, sharps and IV-lines, blood, tissue samples, etc.
As such, EcoConServ conducted an analysis and provided a trade-off report between the proposed locations (Selection Report), developed to ESIA studies for the two selected sites, organized a public hearing session, and recommended methods for the final disposal (cost estimate of a landfill cell).
Mapping of Industrial Waste, Through Desk Review, Survey and Analysis & Developing an Inventory and Database of the Industrial Waste in the 6th of October Industrial City, Egypt. 2017
Client: Egypt National Cleaner Production Center (ENCPC), African Development Bank (AfDB)
Project Description: Egypt exhibits substantial potential for the creation of small businesses in the untapped area of waste management. Contrary to agricultural and municipal waste, solid waste from the industrial sector is simpler to manage, particularly given that most of the solid waste emanates from some 28,000 facilities nationwide, a majority of which are concentrated in industrial zones. The Greater Cairo region alone hosts almost 50% of all industrial activities, and includes areas such as the 10th of Ramadan Industrial Zone where huge industrial establishments operate in a variety of sectors known to be intensive generators of industrial waste, such as food processing, chemical industries, building materials, textiles and engineering industries.
Under the framework of the Industrial Waste Exchange Project, EcoConServ has been contracted to develop an integrated industrial waste inventory in the 6th of October industrial city, through an analysis of the collected waste and current disposal/treatment, including a gap analysis, 30 prefeasibility and 3 feasibility studies.
Waste Audits for Cleopatra Hospitals Group, Egypt. 2017
Client: Creed Healthcare HoldCo Ltd.
Project DescriptionEcoConServ was contracted to conduct Life & Fire Safety and Waste Audits for four hospitals under the Cleopatra Hospital Group, namely Cleopatra, ALShorouk, Cairo Specialized Hospital, and Nile Badrawy.
As such, under the scope of the Waste Audits, EcoConServ identified waste streams, amounts, and composition, as well as hazardous waste and their impact on public health and the risk of infection. In addition, EcoConServ assessed the currently practiced waste management systems by performing a gap analysis conforming to World Bank Standards and EHS guidelines, and provided recommendations to achieve environmentally sound waste management practices.
Studies for the Optimization of Waste Collection in Gaza, Palestine. 2016
Client: Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), funded by the World Bank, IDA, AFD, EU, and the Swedish Government
Project Description: Waste Management and other public services are under great stress in Gaza, due to the permanent Israeli closure of the Gaza strip and the bad economic circumstance. Currently, waste management is fragmented and poorly managed and does not meet basic public health and environmental criteria. The objective of the assignment is to improve primary collection service in the entire Gaza Strip. Primary collection refers to the collection of solid waste from its source and transporting it to a transfer station or directly to the new sanitary landfill.
EcoConServ was contracted to carry out detailed studies and designs following environmentally and socially sound principles of primary collection networks for optimizing the quality of services cost effectively with the participation of the beneficiary population. The studies include a detailed assessment of existing collection systems, evaluating deficiencies and inefficiencies and determining itemized costs and recommending cost-accounting and management systems and evaluating procedures to optimize quality of services in a cost-effective manner taking into account environmental and socio-economic conditions in the service area (while assessing affordability and willingness to pay and economic impact on vulnerable groups);and developing public awareness and educational campaigns to educate the community in support of the program and an assessment of availability of local resources.
Further Projects include:
- Assessment of E-waste Management in Egypt (Greater Cairo, Alexandria and Sharkeya), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Ministry of Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Affairs, Egypt, 2015
- Bankable Feasibility Study for Solid Waste Management Facilities, Al Ahly Capital Holding, Egypt, 2014
- Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Waste Management Facilities along the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway in Support of the Conservation of Migratory Soaring Birds, UNDP, Egypt, 2014
- Market Study for the Development of Zero-Waste Recycling Facilities in Egypt, Al Ahly Capital Holding, 2014
- Independent Verification Agent (IVA) to Audit the Performance of Solid Waste Management in the Southern West Bank, Joint Service Council – Hebron & Bethlehem/World Bank, Palestine, 2014
- Operator Model for an Integrated Resource Recovery Centre in Khanka City, GIZ – Participatory Development Program in Urban Areas, Egypt, 2014
- National Enabling Framework for Solid Waste Management in Egypt (within the framework of the NSWMP), GIZ, Egypt, 2014
- Design of Suitable Operator/Business Models for Solid Waste Primary Collection and Recycling in Urban, Peri-Urban and Rural Areas of Egypt (within the framework of the NSWMP), GIZ, Egypt, 2014
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Carbon Credit Eligibility, & Solid Waste Management for the Future Fuel Corporation, Egypt, 2012
- Adapting the ILO Toolkit “Start your Own Recycling Business” to the Egyptian Context, International Labor Organization (ILO), Egypt, 2012
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Gaza Solid Waste Management Project including landfill components, Palestinian Municipal Development & Lending Fund / French Development Agency (AFD), Palestine, 2012
- Solid Waste Management Plan for Cairo Festival City Mall, Al-Futtaim Group Real Estate LLC, Egypt, 2011
- Technical Support to MoLD program – Analytical study of the structure of the solid waste management sector in Egypt, Ministry of Local Development, the World Bank, UNDP, Egypt, 2010
- Preparation of the National Solid Waste Management Program for Egypt (NSWMP), KfW, Egypt, 2010
- Preparation of Private Sector Participation Strategy (PSP) in the Solid Waste Sector, World Bank, Egypt, 2010
- Upstream Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) of Egypt’s Solid Waste Management Reform, UNDP, Egypt, 2010
- Post-Consumer PET Waste Profile (A Market Oriented Study), Raya Holding Company (Bariq), Egypt, 2010